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The Ethera system is a complex B2B/B2C management system that integrates calendar scheduling, a coworking space room management and reservations and payments between the 3 different types of users on the platform.

InCloud was tasked in building and integrating all of these pieces from scratch.

InCloud elected to use React.js and React Native to cut down on engineering time. Also, due to strict United States HIPAA laws, we advised the client to use the inbuilt Django authentication system, as other authentication systems would not be HIPAA compliant.
For ease of use, InCloud recommended use of the Stripe payment system to process payments within the platform.


Ethera OC LLC


Irvine, California


Frontend: React.js
Backend: Django
Mobile: React Native
Payments: Stripe

Challenge & Solution


InCloud was tasked with developing this complex system that would be used by 3 types of users: Admins, Providers, and Clients. All 3 types of users would require their own specific portals and features specific to their needs.

The challenge was developing a HIPAA compliant, 3 web portal capable system to handle the needs of all 3 user groups.

Major Features

Coworking space availability and reservations.
Appointments management
Invoicing and payments for all 3 users types

Google Cloud for easy management and scalability of cloud resources.
React Native for ease of launching mobile apps to both Android and iOS app stores.
Stripe payment system integration for robust e-commerce capabilities.
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